Yamaha DME User Manual
Page 90

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Parameter Link Group List
Displays a hierarchical list of parameter link group and the parameters that belong to them.
When a parameter link group name is selected, the controls that belong to that parameter link
group are selected.
• Group Name
You can select a parameter link group name by clicking on it. Clicking the selected parameter
link group name again will select the characters in the name, allowing you to change it.
Clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to the left of the parameter link group name displays or
hides items that belong to that parameter link group.
You can delete a parameter link group by selecting it and pressing the
also delete a parameter link group by right-clicking on the parameter link group name and
selecting [Delete] in the context menu that is displayed.
• DME Icon
Displays the DME that includes the parameters that belong to a parameter link group. The
components can be displayed or hidden by clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) signs for the
DME icon. The parameters, Min, and Max can be displayed or hidden by clicking the plus (+)
or minus (-) signs for the component.
• Link
Click to turn ON or OFF. Turn OFF to disable parameter linking.
Component linking for multiple parameters can be turned ON or OFF via the contextual menu
that appears when the group name is right-clicked.
• Keep Offset
Click to urn ON or OFF. When “ON” the parameter offset is maintained so that when any
parameter in the group reaches its minimum or maximum value, further decrease or increase
is not possible.
Keep Offset for multiple parameters can be turned ON or OFF via the contextual menu that
appears when the group name is right-clicked.
• Parameter
Displays the parameters that belong to a parameter link group. You can display or hide
minimum and maximum values for a parameter by clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) signs.
You can delete a parameter from a parameter link group by selecting the parameter name
and pressing the
Components for user modules are also listed in a hierarchal display, but if user module security is enabled, the
components are not displayed. However, parameters displayed in the user module editor are displayed here.