Yamaha DME User Manual
Page 50

Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
IP Address Selection
The DMEs and SP2060s included in the current device group are displayed in the [Designer] list in
the “Synchronization” dialog box. Click the [IP Address] box, then select the DME or SP2060 unit IP
address that matches the DME or SP2060 currently in the DME Designer.
Going Online.
Clicking the [Go On-Line] button displays a dialog box where you can decide the synchronization
Click the [DME Designer
→Device] direction button.
Transfer of the configuration will begin, and DME Designer will be synchronized with the unit.
If there are many zones, this process may take time.
Click [
▼] to display the IP addresses of all similar devices in the area.
An alert will be displayed if no scene has been recalled.
When a configuration has already been transferred to a DME unit, we recommend using the [DME Designer <- Device]
button for synchronization. The transfer time is faster than using the [DME Designer -> Device] button. However, if the
configuration has been edited it is necessary to use the [DME Designer -> Device] button.