Yamaha DME User Manual
Page 127

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Specifies the function to be assigned to the function keys.
• [No Assign]
No assignment. Select this option to clear an assigned function.
• [Parameter Value Edit]
Allows the parameter specified in the [Parameter] field to be changed.
• [Direct Parameter Value]
Allows the value of a parameter to be set directly. The target parameter is specified in the
[Parameter] field, and the value to be set is specified in the [Max] field.
• [Scene Change]
Allows scene recall. The scene to be recalled is specified in the [Parameter] field.
Allows GPI output. The GPI setting is made in the [Parameter] field.
• [Play Wav File]
Allows initiation of Wave file playback. The Wave file setting is made in the [Parameter] field.
Wave files set by the Wav File manager can be specified. Files can not be selected unless a
Wav Player is included in the DME64N/24N configuration.
Components for user modules are also listed in a hierarchal display, but if user module security is enabled, the
components are not displayed. However, parameters displayed in the user module editor are displayed here.
Components for user modules are also listed in a hierarchal display, but if user module security is enabled, the
components are not displayed. However, parameters displayed in the user module editor are displayed here.