Yamaha DME User Manual
Page 17

Getting Started
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
■ Designer Window
• It is now possible to set a “clear” background color for text, box, and ellipse objects (
• Password entry is now required when opening a User Module Properties dialog box or saving/
exporting in a user module to which security has been applied.
• Linked software applications can now be launched from the Slot component contextual menu
• User module templates that use the same library are now categorized and displayed as user
module groups (
• Image files are now included in User Module exports.
• Component and parameter links can now be copied when DME objects, components, and user
modules are copied/pasted or duplicated.
• Parameter links are now saved when User Module data is saved/exported.
• When already-placed picture files are replaced, they will be updated and displayed correctly
without the need to restart the DME Designer application.
■ Component Editor Window
• [Line] and [Scene Recall] tools have been added to the User Module Editor and User Control
Editor design modes, allowing placement of lines and scene recall buttons (
• In the User Module Editor and User Control Editor it is now possible to convert placed sliders to
• More options are available for customizing the controls listed below in the User Module Editor
and User Control Editor:
- A property dialog box has been added for sliders, allowing customization of direction, scale,
color, size, and other parameters (
- Level meter size can be customized (
- A property dialog box has been added for slider level meters, allowing customization of
- Knob color and knob background color can be customized (
- Text background color can be customized (
- A property dialog box has been added for indicators, allowing customization of color and size
■ V3.0 Precautions
Use DME Designer V3.0 only with DME64N/24N V3.0 or higher, DME Satellite V3.0 or higher, and/or
SP2060 V1.2 or higher. Refer to the Yamaha Pr
details on combinations.
When combining DME64N/24N and DME Satellite units in a device group, be sure to assign a DME
Satellite unit as the device group master. Synchronization cannot be performed if a DME64N/24N is
assigned as the device group master.
When using the Windows Vista operating system, use only USB-MIDI Driver V3.0 or higher, and
DME-N Network Driver V1.2 or higher.