Yamaha DME User Manual

Page 33

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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview

DME Designer Owner’s Manual


7 [Save as type]

Selects the format for the file you are saving. When saving project files including Wave files set
for Wav File Player, select “Project File with wave (*.daf)”. Otherwise, select “Project File (*.daf)”.

8 [Security]

Protects files with a password. If you check here, you will be able to enter settings in the [ID],
[Password], and [Confirm Password] boxes.

9 [ID] Box

Enter the ID that has been set for the file. The currently logged on user name will be pre-
entered, but you can change it. This need not be the same as a user name.

) [Password] Box

Enter the password that has been set for the file. You can enter up to 256 alphanumeric
characters. The characters you enter will be displayed as asterisks (*) in the [Password] box.

! [Confirm Password] Box

Enter the password once again to confirm it. Enter the same password as was entered into the
[Password] box. The characters you enter will be displayed as asterisks (*), the same as in the
[Password] box.

@ [Save] Button

Saves the project file.
If the characters entered into the [Password] and [Confirm Password] boxes were not the same,
a “Password is different” dialog box will be displayed. Click the [OK] button and reenter the
correct password in the [Password] and [Confirm Password] boxes.

# [Cancel] Button

Cancel the file save process.


When someone attempts to open a password-protected project file, the application will request an ID and password.
If they are not entered correctly, the file cannot be opened. Be careful to avoid mistakes when entering the ID and
password. The password cannot be reissued and the ID and password cannot be changed. Be careful not to forget