Yamaha DME User Manual
Page 164

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
■ Lock Tab
Displays and allows editing of the DME64N/24N and SP2060 panel lock parameters.
Only the User Lock parameter is displayed and can be edited for SP2060 units. All other
parameters are displayed and can be edited for DME64N/24N units.
Displays and sets the Utility screen lock status. The settings are “Unlock” and “Lock”.
Unlock: The Utility screen can be opened without a password.
Lock: An 8-character password is required to open the Utility screen.
Panel Lock Boot
Displays and determines whether the panel lock will be automatically engaged when the unit is
turned on. The settings are “Unlock” and “Lock”.
Unlock: The panel will not be locked when power to the unit is turned on.
Lock: The panel will be locked when power to the unit is turned on.
Panel Lock Target
Displays and sets the panel lock target. The settings are “Key Only” and “Key+GPI”.
Key Only: Only input via the panel controls will be locked.
Key+GPI: Input via the panel controls and GPI inputs will be locked.
User Defined Page Lock
Displays and sets the User Defined Button lock status for each page. The settings are “Unlock”
and “Lock”.
Unlock: The corresponding User Defined Button page will be displayed.
Lock: The corresponding User Defined Button page will not be displayed.
User Lock
Displays and sets the panel lock status. The settings are “Unlock” and “Lock”.
Unlock: Panel not locked.
Lock: Panel locked.
The following operations cannot be performed when the panel is locked:
• Parameter changes.
• Scene recall/store.
• Scene title editing.
• Scene protect changes.
• Library recall.
The password is also required to switch from “Unlock” to “Lock” status.