Yaskawa DR2 Sigma Servo User Manual
Page 511

surge suppressor, 376
tension control, 91
terminal layout, 2CN, 164
terminal name
control power supply input, 28
ground terminal, 28
main circuit AC input, 28
motor connection, 28
regenerative resistor, 28
regenerative unit connection, 28
terminals, standard−type motor
with brake, 167
without brake, 167
Test Run, 37
test run
minimum user constants, 47
motor connected to the machine, 43
motor without load, 39
position control from the host controller, 46
servomotor with brake, 45
step 1, description, 38
step 1, procedures, 39
step 2, description, 38
step 2, procedures, 43
thrust load, 20
Torque Control, illustration, 13
torque control, 57, 91
Torque control I, definition, 13
Torque control II, definition, 13
torque feed−forward function, 97
torque limit
forward rotation, 57
input signals, 62
output signal, 58
reverse rotation, 57
value, 99
Torque monitor, 102
Torque Reference Filter Degree, 117
torque reference filter time constant, 116
torque restriction, 57
torque restriction function, 60
by analog voltage reference, 99
torque limit value, 61
alarm display, 391
without alarm display, 409
TRQ-M Specifications, 102
TÜV, 417
type designation
Servomotor, 18
Servopack, 19
user constant setting mode, 176
user constants, 55, 62
bias, 121
brake signal output timing during motor operation,
brake signal speed level output during motor opera-
tion, 113
contact input speed control function, 62
contact input speed control selection, 86
control mode selection, 66
dividing ratio setting, 79, 157
electronic gear ratio, 84
emergency stop torque, 56
encoder type selection, 78, 105, 152
error counter clear signal selection, 64, 75
feed-forward gain, 120
jog speed, 104
mode switch ON/OFF, 125
mode switch selection, 126
motor selection, 106
motor speeds, 87
number of encoder pulses, 105, 153
operation at recovery from power loss, 138
operation when motor stops after overtravel, 55
operation when motor stops after servo OFF, 56
overflow, 119
PI/P changeover, 120
position loop gain, 119
positioning complete range, 133
reference pulse inhibit function, 100
reference pulse input filter selection function, 101
reverse rotation mode, 53
rotation direction selection, 53
SEN input signal, 152
servo ON input signal, 132
soft start time, 87, 114
speed coincidence signal output width, 135
speed limit for torque control I, 96