3 features of sigma-series servos, 3 features of σ -series servos – Yaskawa DR2 Sigma Servo User Manual
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1.1 Basic Understanding of AC Servos
1.1.3 Features of Σ-Series Servos
1) Σ-Series SGM/SGMP Servomotors are synchronous type servomotors and have the fol-
lowing features:
• Size and weight reduced to one-third those of
our conventional models.
Compact Servomotor for saving installation
• Servo performance (power rating) enhanced to
three times that of our conventional models.
Enhanced power rating (kW/s) to satisfy every
• A wide product range covering rated output of
30 W to 750 W.
Supply Voltage
Rated Output
100 VAC:
30 W, 50 W, 100 W, 200 W, 300 W
(0.04 HP, 0.07 HP, 0.13 HP, 0.27 HP, 0.40 HP)
200 VAC:
30 W, 50 W, 100 W, 200 W, 400 W, 750 W
(0.04 HP, 0.07 HP, 0.13 HP, 0.27 HP, 0.53 HP, 1.01 HP)
2) DR2 Servopacks can perform speed/torque or
position control. Select the control mode by set-
ting of the user constant Cn-02 (memory switch).
• Speed/Torque Control Mode: User constant
Cn-02 (memory switch) Bit B = 0
This mode uses speed or torque reference in-
put. Reference input is by analog voltage.
• Position Control Mode: User constant Cn-02
(memory switch) Bit B = 1
This mode uses position reference input. Reference
input is by pulse train.
Power rating (kW/s)
A constant that represents response performance of a servomotor. It can be determined by
dividing squared rated torque by motor inertia. Power rating is the electric power (kW) that a
servomotor can generate per second.
The greater the power rating, the more powerful the servomotor.
SGM type
SGMP type
DR2 Servopack