Yaskawa DR2 Sigma Servo User Manual
Page 506

contact input speed control function, 86
motor speeds, 87
prohibiting, 62
soft start time, 87
Contact Input Speed Control Selection, 62
contact output signal terminals, connections, 81
controlled systems
components, 6
meaning, 5
deceleration stop mode, 56
encoders, 8
meaning, 5
Digital Operator, 14, 26
alarm traceback mode, 183
autotuning, 188
connection, 170
dimensional drawings, 334
mode selection, 172
monitor mode, 179
status display mode, 173
user constant setting mode, 176
motor operation, 186
selection, 216
servo alarm reset, 171
simple motor check, 186
test run, 40
dimensional diagrams, noise filter, 374
dimensional drawings
1CN connector, 371
brake power supply, 363
cables, encoders, 365
connector kits, 358
Digital Operator, 334
Encoder Signal Converter Unit, 379
magnetic contactor, 375
motor cables, 355
regenerative unit, 376
Servomotors, 247–281, 289–323
Servopacks, 329
variable resistors, 379
dividing, 76
Dividing ratio setting, 77
drive systems, 6
dynamic brake, 108
stop mode, 57
electronic gear function, 82
setting, 82
electronic gear ratio, 82
for different load mechanisms, 85
load travel distance per revolution of load shaft in
reference units, 83
machine specifications, 82
number of encoder pulses for the SGM Servomotor,
reference unit, 83
EMC Instructions, 417
EMC instructions, measures, 418
EN Standard, 416
encoder output, 76
signals, divided, 76
encoder pulses, number per revolution, 105
Encoder Signal Converter Unit
dimensional drawings, 379
specifications, 379
absolute, 8, 151
battery, 371
battery replacement, 390
home position error detection, 159
connectors, 358
dimensional drawings, 365
specifications, 365
extending cables, 159
incremental, 8
specification, 78
error counter
clear input, 74
clear signal (CLR), 75
clearing, 74
European Safe Standard, 416
Exterior type regenerative registor, 26
external torque limit, 60
forward, 61
reverse, 61
external torque limit input, 61
forward, 61