H3C Technologies H3C S10500 Series Switches User Manual
Page 281

[P] interface vlan-interface 12
[P-Vlan-interface12] mpls
[P-Vlan0interface12] mpls ldp
[P-Vlan-interface12] quit
# Configure PE 2.
[PE2] mpls lsr-id
[PE2] mpls
[PE2-mpls] quit
[PE2] mpls ldp
[PE2-mpls-ldp] quit
[PE2] interface vlan-interface 12
[PE2-Vlan-interface12] mpls
[PE2-Vlan-interface12] mpls ldp
[PE2-Vlan-interface12] quit
After you complete the configurations, LDP sessions are established between PE 1, P, and PE 2. Issue the
display mpls ldp session command. The output shows that the session status is Operational. Issue the
display mpls ldp lsp command. The output shows the LSPs established by LDP. The following takes PE 1
as an example:
[PE1] display mpls ldp session
LDP Session(s) in Public Network
Total number of sessions: 1
Peer-ID Status LAM SsnRole FT MD5 KA-Sent/Rcv
--------------------------------------------------------------- Operational DU Passive Off Off 5/5
LAM : Label Advertisement Mode FT : Fault Tolerance
[PE1] display mpls ldp lsp
LDP LSP Information
SN DestAddress/Mask In/OutLabel Next-Hop In/Out-Interface
1 3/NULL -------/InLoop0
2 NULL/3 -------/Vlan-interface13
3 NULL/1024 -------/Vlan-interface13
A '*' before an LSP means the LSP is not established
A '*' before a Label means the USCB or DSCB is stale
Configure VPN instances on PEs to allow CEs to access
# Configure PE 1.
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 111:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn2
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn2] route-distinguisher 100:2
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn2] vpn-target 222:2