GW Instek AFG-3000 Series User Manual

Page 280

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AFG-3000 Series User Manual


-221 Settings conflict;AM turned off by selection of other mode or

Example: AM mode is disabled when burst, sweep
or a modulation mode is enabled.

-221 Settings conflict; sweep turned off by selection of other mode or

Example: Sweep mode is disabled when burst or a
modulation mode is enabled.

-221 Settings conflict;not able to modulate this function

Example: A modulated waveform cannot be
generated with dc voltage, noise or pulse

-221 Settings conflict;not able to sweep this function

Example: A swept waveform cannot be generated
with dc voltage, noise or pulse waveforms.

-221 Settings conflict;not able to burst this function

Example: A burst waveform cannot be generated
with the dc voltage function.

-221 Settings conflict;not able to modulate noise, modulation turned off

Example: A waveform cannot be modulated using
the noise function.

-221 Settings conflict;not able to sweep pulse, sweep turned off

Example: A waveform cannot be swept using the
pulse function.

-221 Settings conflict;not able to modulate dc, modulation turned off

Example: A waveform cannot be modulated using
the dc voltage function.

-221 Settings conflict;not able to sweep dc, modulation turned off

Example: A waveform cannot be swept using the dc
voltage function.