GW Instek GSP-810 Software Manual User Manual

GW Instek Equipment

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Copyright©2003 GOODWILL Instrument CO., LTD.

New feature of GSP810 Remote Control Software V 2.1.0

1. V 2.1.0 adds the utility “SPF Converter” that converts the stored data (SPF format) to text file.

2. Flow Chart of SPF converting

3. Recording and making SPF file (Included in V 2.0.0)

The SPF Converter utility is to convert the existed SPF file (test.spf as example here) to text file.

Making SPF file is done by operating “Record” and “Save” functions. Please refer to “HELP” for the

detailed operation information of “Trace Record” functions.

Record the


Save measurement

data (SPF)

SPF file
