GW Instek AFG-3000 Series User Manual

Page 278

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AFG-3000 Series User Manual


-221 Settings conflict; infinite burst changed trigger source to MANual

Example: The trigger source is changed to
immediate from manual when infinite burst mode is

-221 Settings conflict; burst period increased to fit entire burst

Example: The function generator automatically
increases the burst period to allow for the burst
count or frequency.

-221 Settings conflict; burst count reduced

Example: The burst count is reduced to allow for the
waveform frequency if the burst period is at it’s

-221 Settings conflict; trigger delay reduced to fit entire burst

Example: The trigger delay is reduced to allow the
current period and burst count.

-221 Settings conflict;triggered burst not available for noise

Example: Triggered burst cannot be used with noise.

-221 Settings conflict;amplitude units changed to Vpp due to high-Z load

Example: If a high impedance load is used, dBm
units cannot be used. The units are automatically set
to Vpp.

-221 Settings conflict;trigger output disabled by trigger external

Example: The trigger output terminal is disabled
when an external trigger source is selected.

-221 Settings conflict;trigger output connector used by FSK

Example: The trigger output terminal cannot be used
in FSK mode.

-221 Settings conflict;trigger output connector used by burst gate

Example: The trigger output terminal cannot be used
in gated burst mode.