2 displaying the waveform, Displaying the waveform – Yokogawa Data Acquisition with PID Control CX2000 User Manual

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Displaying the Waveform

Displaying the Waveform

1. Click here ([Window] - [Graph]).

Group selection tab (click the tab of the group you wish to display)

2. The waveform display screen opens.

Mark on the active waveform

Zone display area

Show/Hide the zone

display area

Waveform label

(Select channel No.

or tag)

Display the cursor value

Trip line of the

active waveform

Color display adjuster

(turn ON/OFF the

color overview display)


Display the alarm/mark list

Link the previous file

Link the subsequent file

Indicates the section of the waveform

that is being displayed in a white frame

Move the waveform display position

(Scroll bar)

Absolute or relative time


display area


Drag this bar to change the

size of the zone display area

Turn ON/OFF waveform display

Alarm display area

Color overview

Linking the previous and

subsequent files collectively

Color Overview Display

Displays the waveforms that

have the display turned ON

Displays marks and cursors

The measured values of the entire data are displayed using various colors. By assigning
50 different colors from the minimum to the maximum values of the scale, the measured
values are assigned to those colors.
If the data are display data, the maximum value is displayed at the top of the space
allocated to a single waveform, and the minimum value is displayed at the bottom.