Manual sample – Yokogawa Data Acquisition with PID Control CX2000 User Manual
Page 40
Match Time Timer
Set the time match condition used in event action.
• Kind
Day Set the time match condition of a day.
Week Set the time match condition of a week.
Month Set the time match condition of a month.
Set the items with check marks in the following table depending on the Kind setting.
Setup Item
• Day
Set the day.
• Week
Set the day of the week.
• Hour:Minute
Set the time in the range of 00:00 to 23:59.
• Timer action
Single Executes the action once when the condition is met.
Repeat Executes the action at every specified time.
Manual Sample
On a DX2000 with the external input channel (/MC1) option, specify the channel that will
be manually sampled. On all other models, all channels will be manually sampled so this
setting is not necessary.
Click to display a channel selection dialog box.
Channel selection dialog box
Fill and increment by 1 starting from the top of the selection
Turn ON/OFF all in the selection at once
Drag to select a range
Manual sample number
Select a number from 001 to 120. The instantaneous values are output in this order.
Manual Sample
• Use
Select On when assigning a channel to the manual sample number.
• CH No.
Enter a channel number of a measurement channel, computation channel (/M1 and /
PM1 options), or external input channel (/MC1 option).
3.5 Entering General Settings