IAI America PSEL User Manual

Page 265

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Part 2 Programs

(2) Simple program example (two-axis specification) using PAPS, PAPT and PAST

The example below specifies movement only and does not cover picking operation.

Reference point

Position No. 11

(70, 70)

Picking position
Position No. 10

PX axis = 1, PY axis = 2

Start setting palletizing number 2

Palletizing counts 4x5

Pitch X = 20, Y = 15

Position number 11 reference point

Speed 20 mm/sec.

Move to pick position

Set palletizing position number to 1

Move to palletizing points via PTP

Move to pick position via PTP

Palletizing position number by +1

Loop begging when PINC successful

Zigzag offset = 10 mm

End palletizing number 2 setting