Planet Technology IP DSLAM IDL-4801 User Manual
Page 669

Flood support Status
This specifies if the flooding has to be done for
unknown unicast packets for this vlan or not.The default
value for this shall be taken from enable when vlan is
created. The unknown unicast packets shall be flooded
on all ports for a vlan if global value (present
inDot1dTpInfo)is enabled or throttle, and the value
pervlan is also enabled else dropped.
Broadcast support Status
This specifies if the broadcast has to be done for this
vlan or not. The default value for this shall be taken from
enable when vlan is created. The broadcast packets
shall be flooded on all ports for a vlan if global value
(present in Dot1dTpInfo) and the value per vlan are both
enabled else dropped.
Reserved Mac Profile Id
The Profile associated with this Vlan to be used to
determine the behavior for Reserved Mac destined
frames. Reserved Mac addresses are the multicast
addresses defined as reserved in IEEE 802.1Q and
IEEE 802.1ad. The existence of the specified
"ResvdCtlPktProfile Table" entry is a must for VLAN
static entry creation to succeed. Further, even if the
specified "ResvdCtlPktProfile Table" entry exists, but the
corresponding entry in "ResvdCtlPktProfile Param
Table" is missing the packets will be dropped. VLAN
here means the 802.1q Vlan in case of Native Vlan
mode and Virtual Vlan in case of Stacked Vlan Mode.
Igmp Snoop Action
This parameter specifies that if an action is "Learn" then
igmpsnoop will be supported for this Vlan and an entry
will be learnt. Here action will be applied in conjunction
with global igmpsnoopStatus and port level
igmpsnoopStatus flags, that is IGMP functionality will be
executed for a frame if IGMP is enabled globally and on
the port it has been received and for the vlan/virtual vlan
on which it has come.If action is "drop" then igmpsnoop
functionality is not supported for this vlan and IGMP
frames shall be dropped. If action is "transparently
forward", then IGMP frames received for this Vlan shall
be forwarded transparently and learning will not be done
Igmpsnoop ProxyReporting Status
This parameter provides a configuration option to
choose between transparent snooping or Proxy
reporting behavior per Vlan. Depending on the type of
mode, IGMP module will perform either transparent