Planet Technology IP DSLAM IDL-4801 User Manual
Page 416

IDL series User Guide
of the rule for which this subrule is being created is 'out'. This field
is invalid if 'priotagcmp' is 'any'(7). This field and the priotagto field
specify a range of priority tags, if 'priotagcmp' is either 'inrange'(8)
or 'exrange'(9).In VLAN stacking mode this parameter maps to
priority in the customer VLAN tag.
End priority tag
End priority tag of the range of priority tags. Invalid, if the direction
of the rule for which this subrule is being created is 'out'. This field
and the priotagfrom field specify a range of priority tags, if
'priotagcmp' is either 'inrange'(8) or 'exrange'(9). Otherwise this
field is invalid. In VLAN stacking mode this parameter maps to
priority in the customer VLAN tag.
Start DSAP
Start DSAP of the range of DSAPs. This object is invalid if
'dsapcmp' is 'any'. This object and the next object specify a range
of DSAPs, if 'dsapcmp' is either 'inrange' or 'exrange'
End DSAP of the range of DSAPs. This object is invalid if
'dsapcmp' is 'any'. This object and the previous object specify a
range of DSAPs, if 'dsapcmp' is either 'inrange' or 'exrange'.
Otherwise this field is invalid.
Start SSAP
Start SSAP of the range of SSAPs. This object is invalid if
'ssapcmp' is 'any'. This object and the next object specify a range
of SSAPs, if 'ssapcmp' is either 'inrange' or 'exrange'
End SSAP of the range of SSAPs. This object is invalid if
'ssapcmp' is 'any'. This object and the previous object specify a
range of SSAPs, if 'ssapcmp' is either 'inrange' or 'exrange'.
Otherwise this field is invalid
Source MAC addrees
Source mac address comparison type
Desination MAC addr
Destination mac address comparison type
Ether type comparison Ether type comparison type
Vlan Id comparison
VLAN Id comparison type. This field must be 'any', if 'priotagcmp'
is not equal to 'any'
Priority tag comparison Priority tag comparison type. This field must be 'any', if
'vlanidcmp' is not equal to 'any'"
DSAP comparison
DSAP comparison type.
SSAP comparison
SSAP comparison type.
Subrule Priority
This specifies the priority of the subrule. Based on this priority
value, the subrule is created in fast or slow memory. In case
priority is specified as 'asinrule', subrule priority will be same as
specified in the rule.