IPitomy IP1100+ PBX Administrator Guide User Manual
Page 248
IPitomy IP PBX Admin Guide
Network Type
DHCP may be used to simplify networking administrative tasks such as initial system configuration. With Network
Type set to DHCP, several IP Address options become unavailable. For more information about DHCP and
IP1500 networking requirements, refer to the appropriate section of this manual.
Acquiring a DHCP Lease
Change Network Type to “DHCP”.
Save & Update.
Renewing DHCP Lease
Verify Network Type is set to “DHCP”.
Save & Update.
Other Menus
[W] Web Server
[H] Host Access
[F] Fix Database
Web Server
This menu allows you to restart the Web Server, and modify which IPs and/or domains can access the web
server. To apply changes you must restart the web server. This will not interrupt phone service. A reboot of the
PBX will also apply changes made here. The “Allow” format may be: domain name, full IP address, partial IP
address, network/netmask pair, network/nnn CIDR specification.
Changes to the Web Server access list are database independent so custom changes do not migrate from one
box to another via a database backup file.
Host Access
Limit access to special services on the PBX.
An “allow from” entry is a list of one or more host names, host addresses, patterns or wildcards that will be
matched against the client host name or address. List elements should be separated by blanks and/or commas.
Changes to the Host access list are installed immediately. They are database independent so custom changes do
not migrate from one box to another via a database backup file.
*Changes made to Web Server and Host Access settings are installed immediately. You must restart the Web
Server ([U] option, or the PBX) before Web Server access changes are used by the Web Server. The Web Server
and Host Access console menus provide all of the functionality of the System > Access Control web page.