7 mos server configuration and monitoring, Mos server configuration and monitoring -1, 7 mos s – Grass Valley Xmedia Server Vertigo Suite v.5.0 User Manual
Page 86: Erver, Configuration, Monitoring

XMS Configuration Guide
The Xmedia Server Control Panel’s MOS Server settings enable the Xmedia Server as a
Media Object Server, which allows it to integrate into newsroom environments. As a MOS
server, the Xmedia Server uses the MOS protocol to send metadata and pointer information
about its MOS objects (i.e. graphics pages) to the Newsroom Control System (NCS). The
NCS is responsible for managing all of the elements that contribute to the newscast’s
rundown. Also using the MOS Protocol, the NCS can request the transmission of the MOS
objects from the MOS server for its rundowns. The Xmedia Server Control Panel’s MOS
Monitoring page allows you to monitor the inbound and outbound MOS messages between
the Xmedia Server (MOS Server) and the Newsroom Computer System (NCS).
The following sections provide information and instructions for using the Xmedia Server
Control Panel’s MOS page to enable and use the Xmedia Server’s MOS Server component
for newsroom integration:
“Configuring the Xmedia Server’s MOS settings” on page 7-2
“Logging MOS Server activities” on page 7-8
“Monitoring inbound/outbound MOS messages” on page 7-10
“Mapping MOS channels” on page 7-11
“Private Page settings” on page 7-14
“Using MOS Redirection to transfer media between Xmedia Servers” on page 7-15
Figure 7-1. The Xmedia Server’s MOS component allows it to integrate into newsroom environments
MOS Server
Newsroom Control System (NCS)