H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 65

[ftp] ascii
[ftp] get auto-update.txt
# Download file new-config.cfg on the FTP server.
[ftp]get new-config.cfg
# Download file soft-version2.bin on the FTP server.
[ftp] binary
[ftp] get soft-version2.bin
[ftp] bye
# Modify the extension of file auto-update.txt as .bat.
To ensure correctness of the file, you can use the more command to view the content of the file.
# Execute the scheduled automatic execution function to enable the device to be automatically upgraded
at 3 am.
[Device] job autoupdate
[Device-job-autoupdate] view system-view
[Device-job-autoupdate] time 1 one-off at 03:00 command execute auto-update.bat
To check if the upgrade is successful after the device reboots, use the display version command.