Configuring snmp logging, Introduction to snmp logging, Enabling snmp logging – H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual

Page 156

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Offset: This field is 16 bits in length and is used to distinguish different interfaces of the same type

on the same interface board.

Interface type: This field is 7 bits in length and is the enumerated value corresponding to the
interface type. It supports up to 128 different interface types and supports more than 80 interface

types at present.

Slot ID: Number of the physical slot in which the interface resides, with the length of 5 bits.

Chassis ID: This field is 4 bits in length. For a distributed IRF virtual device, this field indicates the
member ID of the device to which the interface belongs; for other devices, this field has no

meanings and the value is 0.

Configuring SNMP Logging

Introduction to SNMP Logging

SNMP logs the Get and Set operations that the NMS performs on the SNMP agent. When the GET

operation is performed, the agent logs the IP address of the NMS, node name of the GET operation and
OID of the node. When the SET operation is performed, the agent logs the IP address of the NMS, node

name of the SET operation, OID of the node, the value configured and the error code and error index of

the SET response. These logs will be sent to the information center, and the level of them is informational,

or in other words, they are taken as the system prompt information. With parameters for the information

center configured, the output rules for SNMP logs are decided (that is, whether the logs are permitted to

display and the output destinations).
SNMP logs Get requests, Set requests and Set responses, but does not log Get responses.

Enabling SNMP Logging

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Enable SNMP logging

snmp-agent log { all |
get-operation |
set-operation }

Disabled by default.

Configure SNMP log output rules

info-center source
{ module-name | default }
channel { channel-number |
-name } [ debug { level
severity | state state } * | log
{ level severity | state state } * |
trap { level severity | state

state } * ] *

By default, SNMP logs are output
to loghost and logfile only. To

output SNMP logs to other

destinations such as the console or
a monitor terminal, you need to set

the output destinations with this
