Fluke Biomedical medTester 5000C User Manual

Page 262

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medTester 5000C
Operators Manual



See Chapter 5, Autosequences, for a complete explanation of
working with prompts. You can turn individual prompts on or
off and rename prompts six through eight (6-8) from the list
above. Chapter 6, Customize Your medTester 5000C, explains how
to customize prompts.

Test Sequence
After you input pretest prompt information, pacer tests execute in the order
described below:

Set the Impulse 4000 serial port baud rate to 2400. The medTester uses the
2400 baud rate on COM2 or designated Wedge port for all communications
with the Impulse 4000 during an autosequence.

The Impulse 4000 must be powered up to one of its main menus to be ready
to accept remote commands from a medTester Pacer autosequence.

At the beginning of a Pacer autosequence, the medTester checks to make sure
that an Impulse 4000 is connected to COM2. If none is detected, you can still
go through the sequence in a simulation mode for demonstration purposes.

Each autosequence can contain up to ten pulse tests. After those, several
special tests will be performed if they have been programmed into the

The Pacer autosequences are designed to make measurements with either the
internal 50 ohm test load or via a specified external TQA module. The
specified test load must be used to continue the autosequence.

The factory pre-programmed autosequences also use the internal 50 ohm test
load and the external TQA modules. The Pacer autosequence names are
coded with an “M” suffix if a TQA module is required for the particular
autosequence. A22 (HPCMPM) is designed for the Hewlett-Packard Code
Master Pacer and the TQA12 module is required. A20 (LP12P) is designed
for the Phys-Control Life Pak 12 Pacer using the internal 50 ohm test load.