For the oxitest plus – Fluke Biomedical medTester 5000C User Manual

Page 237

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Biomedical Test System

SPO2 Module




See Chapter 5, Autosequences, for a complete explanation of
working with prompts. You can turn individual prompts on or
off and rename prompts six through eight (6-8) from the list
above. Chapter 6, Customize Your medTester 5000C, explains how
to customize prompts.

Test Sequence
After you input pretest prompt information, SPO2 tests execute as described

Connect the SPO2 monitor optical probe or electrical simulation cable to the
SPO2 simulator.

The Oxitest PLUS runs at a fixed 9600 baud rate. For a CardioSat 100 or
INDEX 2XL, set the baud rate to 2400. The medTester uses these baud rates
on COM1 or COM2 ports or Wedge Port expander for all communications
with an SPO2 simulator during an SPO2 autosequence.

The Oxitest PLUS is ready to go any time it is powered up.

The CardioSat 100 and Index 2XL must be freshly powered up and at Main
Menu 1 to accept commands from the medTester. If the CardioSat 100 has
been on, turn it off. Then turn it on again.

At the beginning of an SPO2 autosequence, the medTester checks to make
sure that an SPO2 simulator is connected to COM1 or COM2 ports or
Wedge Port expander. If none is detected, the medTester displays “NO
INDEX 2XL DETECTED….”. At this point you can still go through the
sequence in a simulation mode for demonstration purposes.

For the Oxitest PLUS, you are prompted to set the SPO2 simulator to a
specific oximeter and sensor.

For the CardioSat 100 and INDEX 2XL, if a manufacturer has been specified
as part of the autosequence, the medTester will command the SPO2
simulator to set up for it. If the manufacturer has been Not Specified, the user
will be prompted by the medTester to set the SPO2 simulator to a specific
"make" before proceeding.