Iv pump autosequence names, Iv pump module, Chapter 10 – Fluke Biomedical medTester 5000C User Manual

Page 139: Iv pump autosequences

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Chapter 10

IV Pump Module

In this chapter you learn about using the medTester 5000C to control
IV pump autosequence tests with a Fluke Biomedical IV pump

IV Pump Autosequences

If your medTester 5000C includes the Intravenous (IV) Pump Module (9),
you have ten autosequences for testing IV pumps with a Fluke Biomedical IV
pump analyzer. You can use the IDA 4 Plus, the Infutest 2000 Series D, the
IPT-1, or the IPT-MC IV pump analyzer. Five of the autosequences come
preprogrammed from the factory, however, you can customize all ten
autosequences to meet your needs. IV pump autosequences allow you to
connect the IV pump analyzer to your medTester 5000C’s COM2 port or
defined wedge port if applicable. You then initiate performance tests on the
medTester that sends commands to the IV pump analyzer. Measurement
readings from the IV pump you are testing (the EUT—equipment under test)
display on the medTester and store to medTester memory for printing and
equipment management data collection.

You gain further functionality by including IV pump autosequences in
checklists. As with the defibrillator module, the IV Pump Module gives you a
comprehensive testing and data collection system for your organization’s

Configuring for Your IV pump analyzer.

The medTester can only be configured for one type of IV pump analyzer at a
time, the IDA 4 Plus, the Infutest 2000 Series D, the IPT-1, or the IPT-MC.
All autosequences stored by initialization, customization, or remote download
will only work with the instrument for which they were designed.