Firmware upgrade, 1 hpm.1 firmware upgrade, 1 overview – Artesyn ATCA-7470 Installation and Use (October 2014) User Manual

Page 271: 2 installing the ipmitool, 1 update procedure, 11 firmware upgrade, 1 overview 11.1.2 installing the ipmitool, Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

ATCA-7470 Installation and Use (6806800P15K)


Firmware Upgrade

11.1 HPM.1 Firmware Upgrade

11.1.1 Overview

The primary update mechanism for the ATCA-7470 blades is the FCU tool which is delivered
with the BBS package for the board. However, the ATCA-7470 board family also supports
upgrade of the firmware with the HPM.1 specification. Upgradeable components of the board
include the BIOS flash, FPGA flash, and IPMC flash. For update, it is recommended to use the
Pigeon Point System modified IPMI tool.

11.1.2 Installing the Ipmitool


1. Get the Pigeon Point System Ipmitool from the package (Ipmitool-1.8.9-pps-


2. Extract the source code.

Prompt>tar -xzvf Ipmitool-1.8.9-pps-.tgz

3. Go to the directory where you have extracted the Ipmitool.

Prompt>cd /Ipmitool-1.8.9-pps-

4. Build the Ipmitool.

Prompt>./configure && make && make install Update Procedure

The Ipmitool HPM update requires two steps for an update:

1. Upgrade the component.

Example: ipmitool hpm upgrade

2. Activate the component.

Example: ipmitool hpm activate