Configuring java applet filtering, Configuration examples for java applet filtering – Cisco ASA 5505 User Manual

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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI

Chapter 39 Configuring Filtering Services

Configuring Java Applet Filtering

Guidelines and Limitations for Java Applet Filtering

This section includes the guidelines and limitations for this feature.

Context Mode Guidelines

Supported in single and multiple context mode.

Firewall Mode Guidelines

Supported in routed and transparent firewall mode.

IPv6 Guidelines

Does not support IPv6.

Configuring Java Applet Filtering

To apply filtering to remove Java applets from HTTP traffic passing through the ASA, enter the
following command:

Configuration Examples for Java Applet Filtering

The following example specifies that Java applets are blocked on all outbound connections:

hostname(config)# filter java 80 0 0 0 0

This command specifies that the Java applet blocking applies to web traffic on port 80 from any local
host and for connections to any foreign host.

The following example blocks downloading of Java applets to a host on a protected network:

hostname(config)# filter java http 0 0

This command prevents host from downloading Java applets.



filter java

port[-port] local_ip

local_mask foreign_ip foreign_mask


hostname# filter java 80 0 0 0 0

Removes Java applets in HTTP traffic passing through the ASA.

To use this command, replace port[-port] with the TCP port to which
filtering is applied. Typically, this is port 80, but other values are accepted.
The http or url literal can be used for port 80. You can specify a range of
ports by using a hyphen between the starting port number and the ending
port number.

The local IP address and mask identify one or more internal hosts that are
the source of the traffic to be filtered. The foreign address and mask specify
the external destination of the traffic to be filtered.

You can set either address to (or in shortened form, 0) to specify all
hosts. You can use for either mask (or in shortened form, 0) to
specify all hosts.

You can set either address to (or in shortened form, 0) to specify all
hosts. You can use for either mask (or in shortened form, 0) to
specify all hosts.