Information about customization, Customizing clientless ssl vpn pages – Cisco ASA 5505 User Manual

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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI

Chapter 74 Configuring Clientless SSL VPN

Customizing Clientless SSL VPN Pages

Be aware of the following characteristics of the floating toolbar:

The toolbar lets you enter URLs, browse file locations, and choose preconfigured web connections
without interfering with the main browser window.

If you configure your browser to block popups, the floating toolbar cannot display.

If you close the toolbar, the ASA prompts you to confirm that you want to end the clientless SSL
VPN session.


Table 74-10 on page 74-109

for detailed information about using clientless SSL VPN.

Customizing Clientless SSL VPN Pages

You can change the appearance of the portal pages displayed to clientless SSL VPN users. This includes
the Login page displayed to users when they connect to the security appliance, the Home page displayed
to users after the security appliance authenticates them, the Application Access window displayed when
users launch an application, and the Logout page displayed when users log out of clientless SSL VPN

After you customize the portal pages, you can save your customization and apply it to a specific
connection profile, group policy, or user. The changes do not take effect until you reload the ASA, or
you disable and then enable clientless SSL.

You can create and save many customization objects, enabling the security appliance to change the
appearance of portal pages for individual users or groups of users.

This section includes the following topics:

Information About Customization, page 74-90

Exporting a Customization Template, page 74-91

Editing the Customization Template, page 74-91

Importing a Customization Object, page 74-97

Applying Customizations to Connection Profiles, Group Policies and Users, page 74-97

Login Screen Advanced Customization, page 74-99

Information About Customization

The ASA uses customization objects to define the appearance of user screens. A customization object is
compiled from an XML file which contains XML tags for all the customizable screen items displayed to
remote users. The ASA software contains a customization template that you can export to a remote PC.
You can edit this template and import the template back into the ASA as a new customization object.

When you export a customization object, an XML file containing XML tags is created at the URL you
specify. The XML file created by the customization object named Template contains empty XML tags,
and provides the basis for creating new customization objects. This object cannot be changed or deleted
from cache memory but can be exported, edited, and imported back into the ASA as a new customization