Cisco ASA 5505 User Manual

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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI

Chapter 54 Configuring QoS

Configuring QoS

hostname(config)# class-map tcp_traffic

hostname(config-cmap)# match access-list tcp_traffic

In the following example, other, more specific match criteria are used for classifying traffic for specific,
security-related tunnel groups. These specific match criteria stipulate that a match on tunnel-group (in
this case, the previously-defined Tunnel-Group-1) is required as the first match characteristic to classify
traffic for a specific tunnel, and it allows for an additional match line to classify the traffic (IP differential
services code point, expedited forwarding).

hostname(config)# class-map TG1-voice

hostname(config-cmap)# match tunnel-group tunnel-grp1

hostname(config-cmap)# match dscp ef

In the following example, the class-map command classifies both tunneled and non-tunneled traffic
according to the traffic type:

hostname(config)# access-list tunneled extended permit ip

hostname(config)# access-list non-tunneled extended permit tcp any any

hostname(config)# tunnel-group tunnel-grp1 type IPsec_L2L

hostname(config)# class-map browse

hostname(config-cmap)# description "This class-map matches all non-tunneled tcp traffic."

hostname(config-cmap)# match access-list non-tunneled

hostname(config-cmap)# class-map TG1-voice

hostname(config-cmap)# description "This class-map matches all dscp ef traffic for

tunnel-grp 1."

hostname(config-cmap)# match dscp ef

hostname(config-cmap)# match tunnel-group tunnel-grp1

hostname(config-cmap)# class-map TG1-BestEffort

hostname(config-cmap)# description "This class-map matches all best-effort traffic for


hostname(config-cmap)# match tunnel-group tunnel-grp1

hostname(config-cmap)# match flow ip destination-address

The following example shows a way of policing a flow within a tunnel, provided the classed traffic is
not specified as a tunnel, but does go through the tunnel. In this example, is the address
of the host machine on the private side of the remote tunnel, and the access list is named “host-over-l2l”.
By creating a class-map (named “host-specific”), you can then police the “host-specific” class before the
LAN-to-LAN connection polices the tunnel. In this example, the “host-specific” traffic is rate-limited
before the tunnel, then the tunnel is rate-limited:

hostname(config)# access-list host-over-l2l extended permit ip any host

hostname(config)# class-map host-specific

hostname(config-cmap)# match access-list host-over-l2l

The following example builds on the configuration developed in the previous section. As in the previous
example, there are two named class-maps: tcp_traffic and TG1-voice.

hostname(config)# class-map TG1-best-effort

hostname(config-cmap)# match tunnel-group Tunnel-Group-1

hostname(config-cmap)# match flow ip destination-address

Adding a third class map provides a basis for defining a tunneled and non-tunneled QoS policy, as
follows, which creates a simple QoS policy for tunneled and non-tunneled traffic, assigning packets of
the class TG1-voice to the low latency queue and setting rate limits on the tcp_traffic and
TG1-best-effort traffic flows.