Cisco ASA 5505 User Manual
Page 1843
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter 81 Managing Software and Configurations
Backing Up Configuration Files or Other Files
To copy from the ASA using HTTPS, enter the following URL in your browser:
ASA_IP/disk{0 | 1}/filename
To copy to local flash memory, enter the following command:
hostname# copy disk{0 | 1}:/[path/]filename disk{0 | 1}:/[path/]newfilename
Be sure that the destination directory exists. If it does not exist, first create the directory using
the mkdir command.
Backing Up a Context Configuration within a Context
In multiple context mode, from within a context, you can perform the following backups:
To copy the running configuration to the startup configuration server (connected to the
admin context), enter the following command:
hostname/contexta# copy running-config startup-config
To copy the running configuration to a TFTP server connected to the context network, enter the
following command:
hostname/contexta# copy running-config tftp:/server[/path]/filename
Copying the Configuration from the Terminal Display
To print the configuration to the terminal, enter the following command:
hostname# show running-config
Copy the output from this command, and then paste the configuration into a text file.
Backing Up Additional Files Using the Export and Import Commands
Additional files essential to your configuration might include the following:
Files that you import using the import webvpn command. Currently, these files include
customizations, URL lists, web content, plug-ins, and language translations.
DAP policies (dap.xml).
CSD configurations (data.xml).
Digital keys and certificates.
Local CA user database and certificate status files.
The CLI lets you back up and restore individual elements of your configuration using the export and
import commands.
To back up these files, for example, those files that you imported with the import webvpn command or
certificates, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Run the applicable show command(s) as follows: