Frequently asked questions about load balancing, Ip address pool exhaustion, Unique ip address pools – Cisco ASA 5505 User Manual
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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter 66 Setting General VPN Parameters
Configuring Load Balancing
For example:
hostname(config)# vpn load-balancing
hostname(config-load-balancing)# redirect-fqdn enable
Step 2
Add an entry for each of your ASA outside interfaces into your DNS server if such entries are not already
present. Each ASA outside IP address should have a DNS entry associated with it for lookups. These
DNS entries must also be enabled for reverse lookup.
Step 3
Enable DNS lookups on your ASA with the dns domain-lookup inside command or whichever interface
has a route to your DNS server.
Step 4
Define your DNS server IP address on the ASA; for example: dns name-server (IP address of
your DNS server).
The following is an example of a VPN load balancing command sequence that includes an interface
command that enables redirection for a fully qualified domain name, specifies the public interface of the
cluster as test and the private interface of the cluster as foo”
hostname(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1
hostname(config-if)# ip address
hostname(config)# nameif test
hostname(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/2
hostname(config-if)# ip address
hostname(config)# nameif foo
hostname(config)# vpn load-balancing
hostname(config-load-balancing)# nat
hostname(config-load-balancing)# priority 9
hostname(config-load-balancing)# interface lbpublic test
hostname(config-load-balancing)# interface lbprivate foo
hostname(config-load-balancing)# cluster ip address
hostname(config-load-balancing)# cluster key 123456789
hostname(config-load-balancing)# cluster encryption
hostname(config-load-balancing)# cluster port 9023
hostname(config-load-balancing)# redirect-fqdn enable
hostname(config-load-balancing)# participate
Frequently Asked Questions About Load Balancing
IP Address Pool Exhaustion
Q: Does the ASA consider IP address pool exhaustion as part of its VPN load-balancing method?
A: No. If the remote access VPN session is directed to a device that has exhausted its IP address pools,
the session does not establish. The load-balancing algorithm is based on load, and is computed as an
integer percentage (number of active and maximum sessions) that each backup cluster member supplies.
Unique IP Address Pools
Q: To implement VPN load balancing, must the IP address pools for AnyConnect clients or IPsec clients
on different ASAs be unique?
A: Yes. IP address pools must be unique for each device.