Monitoring the identity firewall – Cisco ASA 5505 User Manual
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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter 36 Configuring the Identity Firewall
Monitoring the Identity Firewall
Apply VPN-Filter with bypassing access-list check disabled
Apply VPN-Filter with bypassing access-list check enabled
Configuration Example -- VPN with IDFW Rule -1
By default, “sysopt connection permit-vpn" is enabled and VPN traffic is exempted from access-list
check. In order to apply regular interface based ACL rules for VPN traffic, VPN traffic access-list
bypassing needs to be disabled.
In the this example, if the user logs in from outside interface, the IDFW rules will control what network
resource he can access. All VPN users are be stored under domain LOCAL. Therefore, it is only
meaningful to apply the rules over LOCAL users or object-group containing LOCAL users.
! Apply VPN-Filter with bypassing access-list check disabled
no sysopt connection permit-vpn
access-list v1 extended deny ip user LOCAL\idfw any
access-list v1 extended permit ip user LOCAL\idfw any
access-group v1 in interface outside
>> Control VPN user based on regular IDFW ACLs
Configuration ExampleVPN with IDFW Rule -2
By default, "sysopt connection permit-vpn" is enabled, with VPN traffic access bypassing enabled.
VPN-filter can be used to apply the IDFW rules on the VPN traffic. VPN-filter with IDFW rules can be
defined in CLI username and group-policy.
In the example, when user idfw logs in, he is able to access to network resources in 10.0.00/24 subnet.
However, when user user1 loggs in, his access to network resources in 10.0.00/24 subnet will be denied.
Note that all VPN users will be stored under domain LOCAL. Therefore, it is only meaningful to apply
the rules over LOCAL users or object-group containing LOCAL users.
Note: IDFW rules can only be aplpied to vpn-filter under group-policy and are not available in all the
other group-policy features.
! Apply VPN-Filter with bypassing access-list check enabled
sysopt connection permit-vpn
access-list v1 extended permit ip user LOCAL\idfw any
access-list v2 extended deny ip user LOCAL\user1 any
username user1 password QkBIIYVi6IFLEsYv encrypted privilege 0 username user1 attributes
vpn-group-policy group1 vpn-filter value v2
>> Per user VPN-filter control
username idfw password eEm2dmjMaopcGozT encrypted
username idfw attributes
vpn-group-policy testgroup vpn-filter value v1
sysopt connection permit-vpn
access-list v1 extended permit ip user LOCAL\idfw any access-list
v1 extended deny ip user LOCAL\user1 any group-policy group1
group-policy group1 attributes
>> Per group VPN-filter control
vpn-filter value v1
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 l2tp-ipsec ssl-client ssl-clientless
Monitoring the Identity Firewall
This section contains the following topics: