Configuring a cpu usage threshold, Configuring a physical interface threshold – Cisco ASA 5505 User Manual
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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter 79 Configuring SNMP
Configuring SNMP
What to Do Next
See the
“Configuring a CPU Usage Threshold” section on page 79-21
Configuring a CPU Usage Threshold
To configure the CPU usage threshold, enter the following command:
What to Do Next
See the
“Configuring a Physical Interface Threshold” section on page 79-21
Configuring a Physical Interface Threshold
To configure the physical interface threshold, enter the following command:
What to Do Next
Choose one of the following:
See the
“Using SNMP Version 1 or 2c” section on page 79-22
See the
“Using SNMP Version 3” section on page 79-23
snmp cpu threshold rising
threshold_value monitoring_period
hostname(config)# snmp cpu threshold
rising 75% 30 minutes
Configures the threshold value for a high CPU threshold and the threshold
monitoring period. To clear the threshold value and monitoring period of the
CPU utilization, use the no form of this command. If the snmp cpu threshold
rising command is not configured, the default for the high threshold level is
over 70 percent, and the default for the critical threshold level is over 95 percent.
The default monitoring period is set to 1 minute.
You cannot configure the critical CPU threshold level, which is maintained at a
constant 95 percent. Valid threshold values for a high CPU threshold range from
10 to 94 percent. Valid values for the monitoring period range from 1 to 60
snmp interface threshold
hostname(config)# snmp interface
threshold 75%
Not supported on the
ASA Services Module.
Configures the threshold value for an SNMP physical interface. To clear the
threshold value for an SNMP physical interface, use the no form of this
command. The threshold value is defined as a percentage of interface bandwidth
utilization. Valid threshold values range from 30 to 99 percent. The default
value is 70 percent.
The snmp interface threshold command is available only in the admin context.
Physical interface usage is monitored in single mode and multimode,
and traps for physical interfaces in the system context are sent through
the admin context. Only physical interfaces are used to compute
threshold usage.