Translating languages for anyconnect user messages, Understanding language translation, Creating translation tables – Cisco ASA 5505 User Manual

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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI

Chapter 75 Configuring AnyConnect VPN Client Connections

Configuring AnyConnect Connections


The tag determines whether the client uses SBL. To turn SBL on, replace false
with true. The example below shows the tag with SBL turned on:


Step 4

Save the changes to AnyConnectProfile.tmpl and update the profile file for the group or user on the ASA
using the profile command from webvpn configuration mode. For example:

asa1(config-webvpn)#anyconnect profiles sales disk0:/sales_hosts.xml

Translating Languages for AnyConnect User Messages

The ASA provides language translation for the portal and screens displayed to users that initiate
browser-based, Clientless SSL VPN connections, as well as the interface displayed to Cisco AnyConnect
VPN Client users.

This section describes how to configure the ASA to translate these user messages and includes the
following sections:

Understanding Language Translation, page 75-12

Creating Translation Tables, page 75-12

Understanding Language Translation

Functional areas and their messages that are visible to remote users are organized into translation
domains. All messages displayed on the user interface of the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client are located
in the AnyConnect domain.

The software image package for the ASA includes a translation table template for the AnyConnect
domain. You can export the template, which creates an XML file of the template at the URL you provide.
The message fields in this file are empty. You can edit the messages and import the template to create a
new translation table object that resides in flash memory.

You can also export an existing translation table. The XML file created displays the messages you edited
previously. Reimporting this XML file with the same language name creates an new version of the
translation table object, overwriting previous messages. Changes to the translation table for the
AnyConnect domain are immediately visible to AnyConnect client users.

Creating Translation Tables

The following procedure describes how to create translation tables for the AnyConnect domain:

Step 1

Export a translation table template to a computer with the export webvpn translation-table command
from privileged EXEC mode.

In the following example, the show webvpn translation-table command shows available translation
table templates and tables.

hostname# show import webvpn translation-table

Translation Tables' Templates: