Index – Konica Minolta eCopy User Manual

Page 219

background image



about ShareScan inboxes 127
acquiring devices 54

connector profiles 22, 62
licenses 55

Activity Monitor 56
activity tracking

additional fields 147
and Cost Recovery 142
configuring 145


devices with embedded clients 54

additional activity tracking fields 147
add-on connectors

removing 60

address books

configuring connectors to use 74
configuring to use with connector profiles 74
creating database for 73

Administration console

description of 12, 45
installing 16

advanced file naming 4
advanced ScanStation settings (development


configuring 163

advanced system properties 47
authentication type

specifying, for Session Logon 49

automatic logon to Windows (ScanStation

clients) 162


backing up configuration files 56
base DN

specifying, for Session Logon 49

batching 4
Bates Numbering 4

Checkpoint identifiers in 141
configuring 137
creating formats for use with 138
enabling 138
format window 140
page numbering in 141

billing codes (RightFax) 124
blank page removal 4


calibrating the touch screen 15
Checkpoint identifiers in Bates Numbering 141

installing 16
ScanStation, starting and stopping 34

color compression 47
color depth 78
configuration files, backing up or sharing 56

activity tracking (devices) 145
advanced logging 163
advanced ScanStation settings (development

mode) 163

Bates Numbering 137
connector profiles 22, 61
connector profiles to use address books 74
connector services 75
connectors 59
Content settings 64
Cost Recovery Service 142
document settings 75
document tracking 149
eCopy Connector for Lotus Notes Mail 89
eCopy Connector for Microsoft Exchange 81
eCopy Connector for SMTP using LDAP 96
eCopy Scan to Desktop services 133
eCopy Services 137
Express 66
fax address format 70
Fax via Microsoft Exchange 85
Fax via Print 88
HOSTS file 209
keyboard settings 48
MSDE, for address book support 71
Quick Connect 111
RightFax 124
Scan to eCopy Desktop 127
Scan to eCopy Desktop properties 131
Scan to Printer 135
scanner settings 78
Search while typing 68
Session Logon 49
system properties 46
touch screen 15
tracing (connectors) 79
tracing (system) 51

configuring Fax via Lotus Notes 92
configuring Fax via SMTP 107