Allied Telesis AT-S63 User Manual
Page 522

Chapter 23: Port Security
Section IV: Security
5. From the Configure Port Security menu, type 1 to select Security
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter new mode (A-Automatic, L-Limited, S-Secured, K-
6. Select the desired security level. For definitions of the security levels,
refer to ”MAC Address Security Overview” on page 518.
If you select Automatic, which disables port security on the port,
return to the Main Menu to save your change.
If you selected Limited, several new menu options are added to
the Configure Port Security menu, as shown in Figure 168.
Figure 168. Configure Port Security Menu #2
If you selected Limited, go to the next step. If you selected the
Secured or Locked mode, repeat this procedure to configure other
ports or go to step 10 to save your changes.
7. To set the intrusion action for the port, do the following:
a. Type 2 to select Intruder Action.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter intrusion action: (N-No Action(Discard), T-
Trap, D-Disable):
b. Select the desired intrusion action:
N - No Action (Discard): The port discards invalid frames. This
is the default.
Allied Telesyn Ethernet Switch AT-9400 Series - AT-S63
User: Manager
11:20:02 02-Oct-2004
Configure Port Security
Configuring Port Security 4
1 - Security Mode ..................... Limited
2 - Intruder Action ................... No Action
3 - Port Participating ................ No
4 - Threshold ......................... 100
D - Set Default Port Security
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?