Allied Telesis AT-S63 User Manual
Page 365

AT-S63 Management Software Menus Interface User’s Guide
Section II: Advanced Features
Select this value to associate the Group Name with the SNMPv3
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Group Name:
6. Enter a Group Name that you configured in the SNMPv3 Access Table.
See ”Creating an SNMPv3 Access Table Entry” on page 347.
There are four default values for this field:
❑ defaultV1GroupReadOnly
❑ defaultV1GroupReadWrite
❑ defaultV2cGroupReadOnly
❑ defaultV2cGroupReadWrite
These values are reserved for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Storage Type [V-Volatile, N-NonVolatile]:
7. Select one of the following storage types for this table entry:
V - Volatile
Select this storage type if you do not want the ability to save an
entry in the SNMPv3 SecurityToGroup Table to the configuration
file. After making changes to an SNMPv3 SecurityToGroup Table
entry with a Volatile storage type, the S - Save Configuration
Changes option does not appear on the Main Menu.
Select this storage type if you want the ability to save an entry in
the SNMPv3 SecurityToGroup Table to the configuration file. After
making changes to an SNMPv3 SecurityToGroup Table entry with
a NonVolatile storage type, the S - Save Configuration Changes
option appears on the Main Menu, allowing you to save your
changes. Allied Telesyn recommends this storage type.
The Row Status parameter is a read-only field. The Active value
indicates the SNMPv3 SecurityToGroup Table entry will take effect