Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

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Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide


User management


4. Click New at the bottom of the Role Templates page.

The Role Template - new page tab is displayed. See

Figure 29



Role template - new page

5. Provide the following information:

Role Template Name: Enter the name of the role template.

Default Context: Select the context you want to associate with the user by default.

Global (non-Context) Config: Click None, Viewer, or Manager to assign a role for the global

6. In the Context/Role Mappings, provide the following information:

New Context Name: Select a context you want to associate with the role template.

Role: Select a role you want to associate with the role template.

Click Add.

The context names with their respective roles are displayed in the table.


To delete a context-role mapping from the table, select an entry from the table and click Delete.
Click Delete All to delete all the entries.

7. Click Apply to save your entries.

Click Reset to revert the configuration to the previous configured values.

For more information on role templates, refer to the Brocade Virtual ADX Administration Guide.