Validating a template, Executing a template – Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

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Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide


Validating a template


Validating a template

Validation of a template checks the template file for its soundness for execution and takes into
account the user inputs. Validation does not execute the template. To validate a template from a
specified area, optionally with user inputs collected from user prompts, use the template validate

Syntax: template validate template_file template_area [ take-inputs ]

The template_file variable is the name of the template file to validate.

The template_area variable is the area where the template file is located. Enter pre-defined,
user-defined, or ready-to-use.

The take-inputs option initiates prompts for user inputs and then include those inputs in the
validation logic.

The Brocade Virtual ADX displays either a message that the template is valid, or a list of errors and
warnings generated from the validation of the entire template, up to 128 messages.

Executing a template

You can execute a template from a specified area, and optionally use user inputs collected from
user prompts, save the running configuration, and reboot after successful completion.

To execute the template, use the template execute command in configuration mode.

VirtualADX(config)#template execute test3.xml ready-to-use no-inputs

VirtualADX(config)#Validation of template /opt/ADX/tmpl/ready/test3.xml is

successful against the schema.

Prevalidation of template configuration is in progress ...

VirtualADX(config)#template validate Minimal.xml pre-defined take-inputs

Validation of template /opt/ADX/tmpl/predef/Minimal.xml is successful against the


Template variables:


Variable Name : myVS [Datatype: string]

Enter the name of the VS [] >>VS100

Do you want to continue with the next variable? (enter 'y' or 'n'): y


VirtualADX(config)#Prevalidation of template configuration is in progress ...

Prevalidation of template configuration has failed.

Template operation failed.

Please find additional information (if any) using "show template status" command

VirtualADX(config)#show template status

Template operation status : FAILED

Template overall result : UNSUCCESSFULL


Fault Information



Message : Default value is missing

Variable = myRS