Configuring the broadcast client, Configuring the broadcast destination, Displaying ntp status – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide User Manual

Page 49

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The ve id parameter specifies the virtual port number.

Configuring the broadcast client

To configure a device to receive Network Time Protocol (NTP) broadcast messages on a specified
interface, use the broadcast client command. NTP broadcast client can be enabled on maximum of 16
ethernet interfaces. If the interface is operationally down or NTP is disabled, then the NTP broadcast
server packets are not received. To disable this capability, use the no form of this command.

Brocade(config-ntp mgmt-1)# broadcast client

Syntax: [no] broadcast client

Configuring the broadcast destination

To configure the options for broadcasting Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic, use the ntp broadcast
command. The NTP broadcast server can be enabled on maximum 16 ethernet interfaces
and four subnet addresses per interface. If the interface is operationally down or there is no ip address
configured for the subnet address, then the NTP broadcast server packets are not sent. To disable this
capability, use the no form of this command.

By default, the broadcast mode is not enabled.

This command is not effective, if the NTP server is disabled.

Brocade(config)#int m1

Brocade(config-if-mgmt-1)#ip address


Brocade(config-ntp)#ntp-interface m1

Brocade(config-ntp -mgmt-1)# broadcast destination key 2

Syntax: [no] broadcast destination ip-address [ key key-id ] [ version num ]

The ip-address parameter is the IPv4 subnet address of the device to send NTP broadcast messages

The key key-id option defines the authentication key. By default, no authentication key is configured.

The version num option defines the Network Time Protocol (NTP) version number. If this option is not
specified, then the default value is 4.

Displaying NTP status

Use the show ntp status command to display the NTP status.

Brocade#show ntp status

Clock is synchronized, stratum 4, reference clock is

precision is 2**-16

reference time is D281713A.80000000 (03:21:29.3653007907 GMT+00 Thu Dec 01 2011)

clock offset is -2.3307 msec, root delay is 24.6646 msec

root dispersion is 130.3376 msec, peer dispersion is 84.3335 msec

system poll interval is 64, last clock update was 26 sec ago

NTP server mode is enabled, NTP client mode is enabled

NTP master mode is disabled, NTP master stratum is 8

NTP is not in panic mode

Displaying NTP status

show ntp status command output descriptions

Configuring the broadcast client

FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide

