To create a bar graph – Maple Systems 5000HD Series User Manual
Page 40

EZwarePlus Programming Manual
1010-1015, Rev. 03
Now let’s create a bar graph on Window 11. We will use the bar graph to indicate the level of a tank. We will create
pushbuttons to increase or decrease the level of the tank by turning a pump on and off.
To open Window 11, select Window > Open Window and double-click Window 11 in the list. Alternatively, double-
click on Window 11 in the Windows Option list on the left side of the EZwarePlus screen.
To create a Bar graph:
1. In the top menu bar in EZwarePlus, click Objects > Bar Graph (or select the Bargraph icon in the Object 2
2. In the Bar Graph Properties General tab, select LW0 for the Read address. Leave the numeric format set to
the default 16-bit unsigned.