Maple Systems 5000HD Series User Manual
Page 129

EZwarePlus Programming Manual
1010-1015, Rev. 03
3. Size: Defines the number of words for each element in the recipe record. Adjustable only for the
ASCII, Unicode, and High/Low Reversed data types. All other data types set this field automatically.
4. Display width: Defines the width of the data to be displayed in number of characters. This includes
the sign, decimal point, and all digits to the left and right of the decimal point.
5. Decimal Pt.: Defines the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
6. Alignment: Defines how the data will be aligned in the Recipe View cell (Align left, Align center, Align
Click the New button to add items (data fields) to the recipe after the selected item. Each new item adds a
column to the recipe when viewed in the Recipe View object.
Click the Settings button to edit the parameters for the selected item in the Recipes Item Information popup
The parameters can also be edited directly in the item list in the Recipes tab.
Click the Delete button to delete the selected item from the list.
Click the Up/Down arrow buttons on the right side of the Recipes tab to move the selected item up and down
in the list.
Click Export definition file of recipes to save the recipe definitions in a *.rdef file. This can be imported into
the Recipe Database Editor for adding data to the recipe.
See “Chapter 15 – Recipes” for more information about using recipes in EZwarePlus.