Maple Systems 5000HD Series User Manual
Page 188

EZwarePlus Programming Manual
1010-1015, Rev. 03
21. Click OK to return to the Alarm (Event) Log dialog. You may select a location to save History files by selecting
one of the check boxes. You may also configure additional Event (Alarm) Log items here. If a printer has been
enabled in the System Parameters > Model tab, you can choose the items to include in the printed message
when an alarm triggers a print command (configured on the alarm’s Message tab).
22. Click Exit when you are finished.
Displaying Alarms using the Alarm Display Object
Though the Event (Alarm) Log object continuously monitors the PLC for alarms, it cannot display the alarms without
the Alarm Display object, the Alarm Bar object, or the Event Display object. The Alarm Display object takes the alarm
strings sent to it from the Alarm (Event) Log object and displays them on a window screen as a list. The list contains
all of the active alarms occurring with the most recently activated alarm, and highest priority, at the top of the list.
To create an Alarm Display Object:
1. From the Objects menu, click Alarm > Alarm Display or click the Alarm Display icon in the Object 2 toolbar.
The New Alarm Display Object dialog box appears.
2. Enable acknowledge function: Select this to enable the acknowledge feature for the Alarm Display. The
Write address is the register where the alarm or event writes the window number used to pop up an
acknowledgement Indirect Window when the operator touches the Alarm Display to acknowledge the alarm
or event.
3. Click the Alarm tab to configure the parameters for the Alarm Display.