Maple Systems 5000HD Series User Manual
Page 254

EZwarePlus Programming Manual
1010-1015, Rev. 03
LW-9030 (32bit) : system time (unit : 0.1 second)
LW-9032 (8 words) : folder name of backup history files to SD, USB memory
LW-9040 (16bit) : backlight index
LW-9041 (16bit) : touch status word(bit 0 on = user is touching the screen)
LW-9042 (16bit) : touch x position
LW-9043 (16bit) : touch y position
LW-9044 (16bit) : leave x position
LW-9045 (16bit) : leave y position
LW-9046 (32bit) : HMI key
LW-9048 (16bit) : time (0 : AM, 1 : PM)
LW-9049 (16bit) : local hour (12-hour format)
LW-9050 (16bit) : current base window ID
LW-9052 (32bit-float) : the previous input value of the numeric input object
LW-9060 (16bit) : no. of event log files on HMI memory
LW-9061 (32bit) : size of event log files on HMI memory
LW-9063 (16bit) : no. of data sampling files on HMI memory
LW-9064 (32bit) : size of data sampling files on HMI memory
LW-9070 (16bit) : free space insufficiency warning (Megabytes)
LW-9071 (16bit) : reserved free space size (Megabytes)
LW-9072 (32bit) : HMI current free space (K bytes)
LW-9074 (32bit) : SD current free space (K bytes)
LW-9076 (32bit) : USB disk current free space (K bytes)
LW-9078 reserved
LW-9080 (16bit) : backlight saver time (unit : minute)
LW-9081 (16bit) : screen saver time (unit : minute)
LW-9100 (16bit) : project name (16 words)
LW-9116 (32bit) : project size in bytes
LW-9118 (32bit) : project size in K bytes
LW-9120 (32bit) : compiler version
LW-9122 (16bit) : project compiled date [year]
LW-9123 (16bit) : project compiled date [month]
LW-9124 (16bit) : project compiled date [day]
LW-9125 (16bit) : HMI Ethernet gateway 0 (machine used only)
LW-9126 (16bit) : HMI Ethernet gateway 1 (machine used only)
LW-9127 (16bit) : HMI Ethernet gateway 2 (machine used only)
LW-9128 (16bit) : HMI Ethernet gateway 3 (machine used only)
LW-9129 (16bit) : HMI Ethernet IP 0 (machine used only)
LW-9130 (16bit) : HMI Ethernet IP 1 (machine used only)
LW-9131 (16bit) : HMI Ethernet IP 2 (machine used only)
LW-9132 (16bit) : HMI Ethernet IP 3 (machine used only)
LW-9133 (16bit) : Ethernet port no.
LW-9134 (16bit) : language mode
LW-9135 (16bit) : media access control (MAC) address 0
LW-9136 (16bit) : media access control (MAC) address 1
LW-9137 (16bit) : media access control (MAC) address 2
LW-9138 (16bit) : media access control (MAC) address 3
LW-9139 (16bit) : media access control (MAC) address 4
LW-9140 (16bit) : media access control (MAC) address 5
LW-9141 (16bit) : HMI station no.