Maple Systems 5000HD Series User Manual
Page 192

EZwarePlus Programming Manual
1010-1015, Rev. 03
used to popup an acknowledgement Indirect Window.
In History mode, the History control address is the register used to select the history file to display, where 0
displays the most recent events, 1 displays yesterday’s events, 2 displays the events from two days ago, etc.
Select Enable reading multiple histories to display more than one history file at a time.
4. Select Enable event management to configure a register to control the events that are displayed (see Event
Display on pages 71-72 for more information).
5. Click on the Event Display tab to display the Event Display dialog.
6. Include categories: To include all categories, set this at 0 to 0.
7. Select Click or Double-click in the Acknowledge style drop-down menu to acknowledge an event with a
single or double touch. Then select the maximum number of events to display in the Event Display (applies
to Real-time mode only). The valid range is 10-1000.
8. Select colors for Background, Frame, Select box, Acknowledge, and Return to normal.
9. Select the order in which events will be sorted, Time ascending or Time descending.
10. Check the Sequence no. check box to add a unique serial number to each event. Select the Event trigger
date and Event trigger time to have the date and time the event is triggered added to each event. Select
Acknowledge time and Return to normal time to have those times added to each event, and select Event
message to include the message defined for the alarm/event appear in the display.