Maple Systems 5000HD Series User Manual
Page 117

EZwarePlus Programming Manual
1010-1015, Rev. 03
3. Options: The Startup window no. selects the window number that will be displayed every time the
HMI is started up. Window 10 is the default startup window.
The Common window determines if objects in the common window (window 4) are placed above or
below the base window.
The Object layout drop-down determines the layout and display of objects by selecting either Control
mode or Nature mode.
Normally, an object that is controlled by a PLC Register (i.e., a Word Lamp, Bit Lamp, Animation,
etc.) is brought to the Top Layer when the value in the PLC Register changes. This behavior can be
changed by the Object layout option. A setting of Control sets the behavior as outlined above. A
setting of Nature (default setting) will result in the object remaining at the layer assigned during
The RW_A enabled checkbox enables an extra 64K of recipe storage memory.
4. Event: When the Use LW9450-9455 as time tags of event logs box is checked, the Time/Date stamp
for items in the Event Display will be taken from Local Words LW9450-9455. You can select the data
format of the Time/Date stamp – BCD (binary-coded decimal) or BIN (16-bit signed decimal).
If unchecked, the Time/Date stamp is taken from the selected clock (HMI RTC or External).
Extra No of events: N/A
5. Keyboard: Lists the windows that have been configured as keyboards.
Add: Opens a window list from which you can select an additional window to be available as a project
Delete: Deletes the selected keyboard from the list.
The Caret color drop-down allows you to set the color of the cursor in the Numeric Input object when
the keyboard is activated
The Select color drop-down allows you to set the highlight color in the Numeric Input object when
the keyboard is activated.
6. Project protection: When checked, the HMI will compare the value in the Project key field to the 32-
bit unsigned value stored in HMI Local Words LW9046 and LW9047. If the value is different, the HMI
will not run the project.