Rainbow Electronics DS3134 User Manual
Page 61

61 of 203
Port Mode
DS0 Channels
Unchannelized Mode (RUEN/TUEN = 1)
Channelized T1 Mode (RUEN/TUEN = 0 & RSS0/TSS0 = 0 & RSS1/TSS1 = 0)
0 to 23
Channelized E1 Mode (RUEN/TUEN = 0 & RSS0/TSS0 = 1 & RSS1/TSS1 = 0)
0 to 31
Channelized 4.096 MHz Mode (RUEN/TUEN = 0 & RSS0/TSS0 = 0 &
RSS1/TSS1 = 1)
0 to 63
Channelized 8.192 MHz Mode (RUEN/TUEN = 0 & RSS0/TSS0 = 1 &
RSS1/TSS1 = 1)
0 to 127
Bit 8 / Channelized PORT RAM Select Bit 0 (CPRS0).
Bit 9 / Channelized PORT RAM Select Bit 1 (CPRS1).
00 = Channelized DS0 Data (C[n]DAT[j])
01 = Receive Configuration (R[n]CFG[j])
10 = Transmit Configuration (T[n]CFG[j])
11 = illegal selection
Bit 14 / Indirect Access Read/Write (IARW). When the host wishes to read data from the internal
Channelized PORT RAM, this bit should be written to a one by the host. This causes the device to begin
obtaining the data from the DS0 channel location indicated by the CHID bits and the PORT RAM
indicated by the CPRS0 and CPRS1 bits. During the read access, the IAB bit will be set to one. Once the
data is ready to be read from the CP[n]RD register, the IAB bit will be set to zero. When the host wishes
to write data to the internal Channelized PORT RAM, this bit should be written to a zero by the host.
This causes the device to take the data that is currently present in the CP[n]RD register and write it to the
PORT RAM indicated by the CPRS0 and CPRS1 bits and the DS0 channel indicated by the CHID bits.
When the device has completed the write, the IAB will be set to zero.
Bit 15 / Indirect Access Busy (IAB). When an indirect read or write access is in progress, this read only
bit will be set to a one. During a read operation, this bit will be set to a one until the data is ready to be
read. It will be set to zero when the data is ready to be read. During a write operation, this bit will be set
to a one while the write is taking place. It will be set to zero once the write operation has completed.