Rainbow Electronics DS3134 User Manual

Page 170

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1011 = bus transaction is defined as 11 LCLK periods
1100 = illegal state
1101 = illegal state
1110 = illegal state
1111 = illegal state

Bit 6 / Local Bus Width (LBW).

0 = 16 bits
1 = 8 bits

Bits 8 to 11 / Local Bus Arbitration Timer Setting (LAT0 to LAT3). These 4 bits determine the total
time the Local Bus will seize the bus when it has been granted in the Arbitration Mode (LARBE = 1).
This period is measured from LHLDA(LBG*) being detected to LBGACK* inactive.

33 MHz

25 MHz

0000 = when granted, hold the bus for 32 LCLKs

0.97 us

1.3 us

0001 = when granted, hold the bus for 64 LCLKs

1.9 us

2.6 us

0010 = when granted, hold the bus for 128 LCLKs

3.9 us

5.1 us

0011 = when granted, hold the bus for 256 LCLKs

7.8 us

10.2 us

0100 = when granted, hold the bus for 512 LCLKs

15.5 us

20.5 us

1101 = when granted, hold the bus for 262144 LCLKs

7.9 ms

10.5 ms

1110 = when granted, hold the bus for 524288 LCLKs

15.9 ms

21.0 ms

1111 = when granted, hold the bus for 1048576 LCLKs

31.8 ms

41.9 ms