Overview on the multicam configuration window, Introduction, Accessing the multicam configuration window – EVS XT3 Version 11.00 Configuration Manual User Manual
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Overview on the Multicam Configuration
In the server-based and web-based interfaces, all server settings related to each
configuration file are now grouped in a single window: the Multicam Configuration window.
When the server is not running a given configuration, the Multicam Configuration window
allows you to define any of the configurations available in the Multicam Setup window.
When the server is running a given configuration, the Multicam Configuration window
allows you to modify the settings of the running configuration.
The Multicam Configuration window is organized in a similar way in both user interfaces:
It consists of seven tabs.
Each tab contains one or more pages in the server-based application.
Each tab displays all settings on a single page in the web-based interface.
The settings on page/tab are organized in field groups having a dedicated name.
Accessing the Multicam Configuration Window
In the Server-Based Application
To access the Multicam Configuration window from the Multicam Setup window when the
server is not running, proceed as follows:
1. Press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to respectively move up and down in
the list of configuration lines until the requested line is highlighted.
2. Press F8.
The Multicam Configuration window opens.
To access the Multicam Configuration window from the Clips or Playlist window when the
server is running, press SHIFT+F2.
In the Web-Based Interface
To access the Multicam Configuration window from the Multicam Setup window when the
server is not running, click the Edit icon
for the configuration line you want to
configure. The Multicam Configuration window opens.
The Multicam Configuration window will directly be displayed on the web-based interface
when the server is running a given configuration. You will directly be able to edit the
settings for the running configuration.
XT3 Server - Version 11.00 - Configuration Manual
3. Multicam Configuration