Glossary – EVS XT3 Version 11.00 Configuration Manual User Manual
Page 225

Abbreviation standing for ‘2 record channels par codec module’. This fea-
ture allows using the secondary link of the codec module of a recorder
channel as an independent recorder channel.
logical channel
Logical player or recorder channel in a given configuration, independent
from the physical connections that have to be used to enable this logical
Mix on One Channel
Feature that allows using the secondary link of the codec module of a
player channel on the V3X board (J3) as the preview channel to provide
the PGM/PRV mode with a single codec module.
Multicam Configuration window
Window in the server-based and web-based Multicam Setup application
from where you can define all configuration parameters.
Multicam Setup application
Term used to refer equally to the server-based or web-based user inter-
face used to set up and configure the EVS servers
Multicam Setup window
Initial Window in the server-based and web-based Multicam Setup appli-
cation, that is displayed when the EVS server is not running a given con-
figuration yet. It gives access to the configuration lines defined on the
EVS server and to the commonly used maintenance tools.
Operational Setup menu
Menu accessible on the Remote Panel using the SHIFT+D keys form the
main menu. It allows users to define operational parameters.
EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - April 2012
Issue 11.00.C